Part II in the Advanced BHRT CME Training


Mastering the Protocols for Optimization of Hormone Therapy

Next Course:

March 21-23, 2025


Virtual or In Person | Salt Lake City

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Course Description


CME BHRT Training

Bioidentical Hormone Training Part II follows with advanced concepts and up-to-date research above and beyond BHRT Part I. This three-day hrt medical seminar will keep you current on the appropriate skills needed to manage everyday HRT-related problems. It will serve as a short refresher of HRT but will primarily serve to teach new and alternative therapies not explained previously, as well as introduce management of new conditions such as PCOS, Osteoporosis, Cancer and hormones and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Some of the other exciting topics to be discussed include the following:

  • Alternatives to raising testosterone, including methods that maintain or even may increase fertility in men, such as clomid and HCG. 
  • The importance of early identification of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), including recognizing its associated signs and symptoms, atypical presentation, and treatment options to potentially improve fertility and reduce risk of long term health consequences, such as obesity, uterine cancer, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and type two diabetes. Also, learning why the word “PCOS” is a poor name and a misnomer for the condition, as it is primarily an endocrine condition. 
  • Review what the literature shows about how hormones affect cancer progression and knowing when and which hormones may be appropriate and why

Bioidentical Hormone Training Part II goes into greater depth than the nuts and bolts covered in BHRT Part I, showcasing literature reviews that highlights the many benefits of HRT, particularly as they pertain to cardiovascular and cancer protection. We also review the scientific literature supporting a more preventive approach to chronic disease vs a sick care model that never treats root causes.


This workshop is offered in-person and/or virtually. You can choose if you would like to be shipped printed educational materials. We will also post a recording for each day that same evening. The recording will be available until Thursday of the week after the event to re-watch or catch up on anything you may have missed, but it will not be available after this time.


  • 20 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits
  • 20 Nursing Contact Hours
  • 20 Hours Pharmacy Credit

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this workshop, the healthcare professional will be able to:

  • Identify important issues in the relationship between hormones and cancer: cause, provocation or protection?
  • Outline problem-solving techniques for difficult cases presenting with multiple disease processes and the potential benefits of hormones.
  • Discuss literature citing new indications, risks, benefits and complications of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone therapy.
  • Determine advanced treatment modalities and dosing strategies for estrogen and progesterone, including new and specific approaches to these therapies.
  • Describe important aspects of the WHI findings: identify the experts that refute this study, and other factors not included in the trials that would change the conclusions.
  • Determine advanced treatment modalities, including new and specific approaches to HGH, thyroid and testosterone in age management and disease prevention.
  • Discuss over 40 articles that demonstrate thyroid replacement does not cause osteoporosis, even in TSH suppressive doses.
  • Identify various new therapies for erectile/sexual dysfunction in men and women.
  • Evaluate the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease and diabetes and the various treatment strategies as they pertain to medication, diet, exercise, lifestyle change and nutritional supplements.
  • Explore the role of omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants, niacin, glucose, and their influence on insulin, inflammation, disease progression and atherosclerosis.
  • Describe the strategies for using the new cardiovascular risk markers, inflammation markers, new lipid parameters and how to make sense of all the new lipid fractionation components.
  • Identify rational approaches to vitamins and supplements with a review of the medical literature supporting their use in wellness as well as citing any harmful effects and interactions.
  • Determine current screening methods and management strategies of the most common pre-menopausal hormone disorder, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in addition to, implementing diagnostic and treatment strategies for PCOS.
  • Apply diagnostic and treatment strategies for hirsutism and hair loss.
  • Implement strategies for treating osteoporosis using hormone replacement therapy.
  • Provide insightful and clinically meaningful cases to better help clinicians improve their practice and patient outcomes.


neal rouzier, md

Neal Rouzier, MD

Faculty Chairman

Neal Rouzier, MD

Dr. Neal Rouzier is a pioneer in the bio identical hormone replacement field, practicing almost since its inception in the early 1990’s. He has dedicated his life’s work to uncovering the medical literature that supports safe and effective protocols for unique and personalized patient care. He is the Director of the Preventive Medicine Clinics of the Desert, specializing in the medical management of aging and preventive care for men and women. He has treated more than 2,000 patients with natural hormone replacement therapy and is recognized as a renowned leader and expert in the field. Additionally, Dr. Rouzier is the author of Natural Hormone Replacement for Men and Women: How to Achieve Healthy Aging. He has over 16 years of experience as an educator and practicing physician, and 29 years of Emergency Medicine experience at Queen of the Valley Hospital in West Covina, CA.



7:00 – 8:00 a.m. Registration

7:30 a.m. – Live Stream access opens

8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

5-10 minute break at the top of every hour

Section 1

HERS and WHI Review

Making sense out of the many HRT studies, the critiques, and the rebuttals.

A commentary as to why estrogen is not harmful in most circumstances.

A critique of the WHI trial and a meta-analysis demonstrating opposite conclusions of the WHI.  Putting the pieces together will make you an expert on all ifs, ands, or buts.  It is the knowledge and command of this scientific literature (that your colleagues will never know) that makes you the expert.  Estrogen replacement is so very complex and a full understanding of all the studies and data is necessary to prescribe and defend HRT.  Having a command of the literature will enable you to explain when estrogen is indicated, which one, and why, the safety of estradiol and potential harm of CEE, the harm of not utilizing estrogen and estrogen depravation, and the harm of assuming and extrapolating the harm of CEE to E2.

Section 2

Hormones and Cancer

Review the hormone paradox and the myths and controversies of the oncogenic effects of hormones as to whether they are causative or protective against cancer.  A literature review of HGH & testosterone in men will show benefits of protecting against cancer as opposed to the incorrect common opinion of testosterone causing cancer.  As for women, estrogen and progesterone are also accused of causing cancer in spite of the literature support for the contrary.  Studies will be reviewed that evaluate whether they cause cancer or protect against cancer and how optimization protects against cancer. Well review all the literature that proves MPA ≠ OMP. Finally, testosterone is second to progesterone in protecting against breast cancer.  Can estrogen be safely used in cancer survivors?   Over 40 studies prove it can and should be used.  Not replacing hormones increases morbidity and mortality which proves the oncologic world doesn’t know their own literature. What level of progesterone is best for breast cancer protection and what level of testosterone is most appropriate?  All hormones have been demonstrated to protect against cancer and it is the loss of hormones that increases that risk.  Only one hormone increases cancer risk and that is a drug and not a hormone.  It is amazing what medical experts do not know or understand about hormones and will make incorrect assumptions to avoid HRT whereas doing so increases morbidity and mortality.  They cause harm by not utilizing HRT but they don’t understand that they don’t know.

12:00 – 1:00 p.m.  Lunch Break

1:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Section 3

Hormones and CVD

Section 4

E2 Benefits

Bio-identical HRT:  A review of all the evidence both for and against BHRT with the positives and negatives. We’ll prove that E2 is the safe and most beneficial estrogen.


6:00 p.m. – Adjourn


7:30 a.m. – Live Stream access opens

8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Section 5

Testosterone Advanced

Testosterone’s risks and benefits from JCEM and NEJM meta-analysis, new guidelines, and alternative methods of prescribing testosterone for men and women.  Learn all the alternative methods of raising testosterone levels besides transdermal creams. When to avoid transdermal, when to avoid IM, when to use HCG vs. clomiphene, and when to use oral testosterone?  Which are the cheapest, which are the best, and which ones should be avoided.  Basically, everything you could possibly ever need to know about optimizing testosterone.  A literature review (EBM) will support the many alternative methods to raising testosterone.

Section 6

Oral vs Transdermal

A literature review of the battle and controversy over oral vs. transdermal estrogen, which type, how, when, why, and how the ESTHER study guides us.  Knowledge is power when it comes to estrogen administration, the risks and benefits of both.  Review of HRT and clotting and how to evaluate the risk and decrease the risk.  And just what is that relative risk anyway that everyone always alludes to?  Please don’t tell me the risk of clotting-rather give me the numbers. The importance of SHBG in prescribing E2 as it pertains to CA and CAD.  Thrombophilia work-up, test panels with case examples of + labs and how patients should be treated.  Develop a treatment plan that encompasses the foregoing but that requires in-depth knowledge of the vast literature and relative risks.  Finally, OK, what to do when someone develops a clot while on HRT and has a negative work-up, or that has had a prior clot, even if provoked.  Review the harm of transdermal estradiol and the null set.

12:00 – 1:00 p.m.  Lunch Break

1:00 – 6:00 p.m.


Section 7

CVD Diagnosis and Prevention

Preventive cardiology or how to avoid CABG, stents, and MI when statins don’t work:  A literature review of hormones, toxic blood markers, prediction of CVD, and treatment without using drugs. Preferential use of hormones, niacin, RYR, EFA, supplements, life style changes, and diet to prevent CVD and how to monitor effects via the NMR panel.  The expert recommendations are to no longer monitory cholesterol levels as LDL may not predict CAD.  Then what should we monitor and what is predictive?  LDL particle number and small LDL particle numbers.  We’ll look at the cases and outcomes. 

Section 8

CVD Treatment

Cardiology cases:  How to stop progression of the disease.  Management when statins don’t lower LDL-P and small LDL-P.  That which the cardiologists should use but don’t.  Putting all the pieces together using the best preventive strategies to avoid succumbing to that which kills 90% of us.  Use of NMR panel, LDL-P’s, apo-B, non-HDL cholesterol, cardiac markers, eicosinoids, insulin, and inflammatory cytokines.  Does lowering cholesterol by means other than statins provide the same benefits?

6:00 pm – Adjourn


8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Section 9

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome:  Diagnosis and treatment of the most common pre-menopausal endocrinopathy that everyone fails to diagnosis.  Never miss it again because if you don’t specifically look for it, then you won’t find it.  PCOS increases risk of CAD, DM, breast cancer, & uterine cancer which further emphasizes the need for early detection and treatment.  Assume that everyone has PCOS until you prove that they don’t.  Unfortunately the most common treatments for PCOS don’t work. There is only one treatment that will work and that is the one that no one knows or appreciates.   We’ll review the before and after labs demonstrating improvement.  Quality of life and fertility relies on this one treatment.

Section 10

Osteoporosis:  Diagnosis and treatment using DEXA scan and NTX urine metabolites to monitor bone loss.  Treatment of osteoporosis beyond bisphosphonates: HRT, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, strontium, ipraflavone.  Measuring and monitoring improvements in NTX- a lab review.

Estrogen metabolites- do they or do they not predict breast cancer and should we waste money on testing.  Lab review of 2 OH-E1 vs. 16α OH-E1.  DIM? Do you really need it and does it really work?  I didn’t know that estradiol caused cancer?  A look at EBM and studies from JNCI that refute confabulation.

12:00 p.m.  – Adjourn



In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by The Foundation for Care Management (FCM) and Worldlink Medical. FCM is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team

20 AMA PRA Category 1 for CME

20 Nursing Contact Hours

20 Contact hours Pharmacy Credit. Program # XXXX-XXXX-XXX-XXX-X

This activity was planned by and for the healthcare team, and learners will receive (20 hours) Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) credit for learning and change.

Location & Travel Details

March 21-23, 2025

Travel Details


Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC)


2 South 400 West

Salt Lake City, UT 84101


Block Rate $239.00

Rate Expires 2/28/2025

Book Room


Refund / Cancellations / Bulk Discounts / Course Credit

Early bird discount ($100.00 savings) is available up until 3 weeks prior to the event.  This discount does not need a code but is applied automatically.

Up to 3 weeks prior to the course start date the cancellation fee is $100.00.  If a cancellation is requested less than 3 weeks in advance the cancellation fee is $350.00.  If a cancellation is received one week prior there are no refunds allowed.

To cancel a registration, a credit can be held on file without penalty so long as the cancellation is received more than 2 weeks in advance of the start date.  This credit will be applied automatically to your next registration before a credit card is charged.

If two or more prescribers register as a group under one registration ticket there will be a 10% discount applied to each registration after the first one.