5 Prescriptions for PCOS You Didn’t Learn About in Med School
5 Prescriptions for PCOS You Didn’t Learn About in Med School by Krista Russ Alongside lifestyle interventions like diet, exercise, and evidence-supported supplements, prescription medications and other pharmaceutical-grade compounds can
The 7 Best Supplements for Patients with PCOS
The 7 Best Supplements for Patients with PCOS by Krista Russ As a provider who treats PCOS, you are probably aware of the conventional protocol for managing this disorder, such
The Best Types of Exercise for Patients with PCOS
The Best Types of Exercise for Patients with PCOS by Krista Russ Exercise is important to general health as well as for managing PCOS. And while its role is often
Why You’re Treating PCOS Wrong & How To Make It Right
Why You’re Treating PCOS Wrong & How To Make It Right by Krista Russ As you likely know, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a female disorder often characterized by irregular
Why Low-Calorie Diets Don’t Help PCOS & What DOES
Why Low-Calorie Diets Don’t Help PCOS & What DOES by Krista Russ As a clinician who treats PCOS, you are probably aware that diet plays a critical role in managing
Nutritional Strategies for Mental Performance and Long-Term Brain Health
Nutritional Strategies for Mental Performance and Long-Term Brain Health by Krista Russ In the last blog, we discussed many of the root causes of brain decline including neuroinflammation, oxidative stress,
The Best Tools to Fight and Prevent Osteoporosis
The Best Tools to Fight and Prevent Osteoporosis by Krista Russ The Epidemic of Broken Bones As many people struggle to get enough Vitamin D in the winter and early
A Systematic Approach to Treating and Preventing CVD
A Systematic Approach to Treating and Preventing CVD by Krista Russ The CVD Burden: A Product of Misinformation Despite tremendous gains in diagnosis and treatment, cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains a
Why You Should Prescribe These 6 Immune Boosting Supplements
Why You Should Prescribe These 6 Immune Boosting Supplements by Krista Russ More providers and physicians are beginning to note the importance of an integrative medical approach when it comes
Optimizing Our Immune System
Optimizing Our Immune System by Neal Rouzier, MD The topic that I am most excited about that will be presented at this upcoming Academic Summit is one that I was