testosterone research

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1 Hour


neal rouzier, md
Neal Rouzier, MD
Faculty Chairman


1 Hour Courses , Hormones

Just like thyroid replacement therapy there is also controversy on administering testosterone for hypogonadism. This presentation will review the current literature that supports the benefits and risk of testosterone administration. What serum levels are considered therapeutic and most beneficial for losing fat and maintaining muscle mass. Dr. Rouzier will also review current guidelines for diagnosing hypogonadism and how these guidelines need to be changed.

Articles You, Your Colleagues, and Patients Need to Know About

There is no topic in medicine that is as controversial or misunderstood as thyroid replacement. Recent commentaries, as well as studies, shed further light on this ever-growing controversy. Presented are studies and papers that should be well understood by practitioners that prescribe thyroid. These articles should also be given to patients that might need literature support for continuing their desiccated thyroid in lieu of their physicians stopping it.


Upon completion of this workshop, the healthcare professional will be able to:

  1. To demonstrate that losing weight can increase testosterone production, however not sufficient enough to
    improve symptoms of hypogonadism.
  2. Review recent studies indicating that the use of testosterone should not be restricted to just men with classic
    hypogonadism as dictated by current guidelines.
  3. Identify doses that correspond to certain serum levels and at what serum levels does one find benefit to losing fat
    mass and maintaining lean body mass.
  4. Describe safety and efficacy of dose-response studies and introduce the concept of functional hypogonadism.
  5. Evaluate data that support achieving certain levels for benefit and at what level is there harm.