Pellet Training Pre-Course Workshop (non-CME)
Many of you are asking for live pellet training that’s part of the Worldlink Medical BHRT Workshop Series.
We invite you to a pre-training Workshop on Pellet Insertion with expert faculty member Connie Casad, MD. She is an excellent instructor with decades of experience. To provide the personalized training you need to master the technique, attendance is limited to 20 people. Sign up soon.
Next Workshop – March 20, 2025
You will need to register for this workshop separately from your BHRT registration. The cost of the 3 hour pellet training is $450.00 and attendance at the Part I BHRT Series is a pre-requisite.
Featured training includes:
- Pellet dosing protocols for men and women
- Side effect, indications and contraindications
- Pellet nuances, risks and concerns providers should know about
- Legal concerns and cases and forms
- Pellet insertion start to finish
- What to charge, structuring fees
- Legal issues and pitfalls
- Case studies and group discussions
- Autoclaving process
- Metal vs disposable trocars and how they feel to insert and have inserted
- Assessing the right candidates for pellets
Experienced faculty and ongoing support in the Academy Forum. Participate in live, hands on training with Dr. Casad. This is only offered in person and practicing pellet insertion is optional for the group. We encourage providers who have not done this before to practice on each other in this live hands on session.
Arrive wondering how to do this, leave confident in your ability to offer this to your patients!
About Dr. Casad

Dr. Casad is board- certified by the American Board of Obstritrics and Gynecology. Over the years and as her patients aged she steadily diversified her medical knowledge to better serve and meet the needs of her patients. Her extended training includes aesthetics, BHRT, functional training along with extensive research and education to better help her patient population. As a Worldlink | APIM trained provider she is a passionate expert in the field of BHRT and this includes all methods of hormone administration. She is uniquely qualified to teach all forms of hormone therapy and is excited to be part of the faculty involved in pellet training.
Location and Travel Details
March 20, 2025
Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC)
2 South 400 West,
Salt Lake City, UT 84101