
6 Important Qualities to Look For in Hormone Replacement Training

We have explored the pandemic of chronic illness that patients are experiencing. We have also explored how hormone replacement therapy can safely and effectively prevent or even treat many chronic illnesses by delving into the robust medical literature supporting hormone replacement. After learning how Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) can help patients fight chronic disease, providers may ultimately desire to add this form of medicine to their practice, so how do they go about doing that? The answer: training, of course.

By Krista Russ | Industry Tips & Insights

A Review of the Studies on TSH Suppression

The last medical journal article that was presented in the last course, Treating T3 Deficiency: The Evidence You Need (Part 6), stated that exogenous hyperthyroidism (TSH suppression) with thyroid hormone administration was not associated (causative) of any adverse effect. “There is no scientific evidence that the clinical impact of TSH suppression is significant.” This meta-analysis proving no harm with thyroid hormone administration (along with TSH suppression) is in direct contrast to the opinions of the other papers/authors opinions reviewed in the last course. I reviewed many papers and opinions that TSH suppression was harmful. However, I emphasized that the studies cited were all studies that reviewed baseline TSH levels in patients with Graves’ disease. Not one study was an outcome study in patients that were prescribed/treated with thyroid hormone. However, the results of all these baseline observation studies demonstrated/proved that suppressed TSH levels (in Graves’ patients) were associated with harm, sudden cardiac death, a-fib, osteoporosis, etc. The authors of the various opinion papers went on to extrapolate that thyroid hormone administration resulting in suppressed TSH levels (biochemical hyperthyroidism) was just as bad/harmful as that seen in those studies citied in patients with Graves’ disease. Nothing could be further from the truth. That which is observed in treatment trials can be completely the opposite of what is observed in baseline observation studies. Another perfect example of ODNPC.

By Neal Rouzier | Hormones . Thyroid

5 Strategies to Accelerate the Growth of your Social Media Accounts

5 Strategies to Accelerate the Growth of your Social Media Accounts Growing your accounts will not just happen over time, even if you are posting everyday. This is because platforms like Instagram

By Worldlink Medical | Marketing

9 Medical Practice Marketing Tips for Success

9 Medical Practice Marketing Tips for Success Wow, this looks like a long post! Well, quite frankly it is. But hang in there, because we are willing to bet that

By Worldlink Medical | Marketing