
A Systematic Approach to Treating and Preventing CVD

A Systematic Approach to Treating and Preventing CVD by Krista Russ The CVD Burden: A Product of Misinformation  Despite tremendous gains in diagnosis and treatment, cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains a

By Krista Russ | CVD . Supplements

Important Facts, Concepts, and Data to know about CVD, Cognitive Impairment, and Corruption in AD Research

Important Facts, Concepts, and Data to know about CVD, Cognitive Impairment, and Corruption in AD Research by Neal Rouzier, MD There is not a day that goes by that I


LDL Cholesterol: Is It Responsible for CVD and are Statins the Solution?

LDL Cholesterol: Is It Responsible for CVD and are Statins the Solution? by Krista Russ Statins have long been the gold standard for treating high cholesterol since 1987, over thirty


The Healthcare & Brain Health Crisis

We live in a world where chronic health problems are on the rise. To make matters worse, the treatments for these problems are usually focused on treating symptoms rather than correcting the root of the problem or preventing it to begin with.


What is BHRT and 5 ways it Could Benefit Your Patients

Previously, we discussed how patients are taking more medications and experiencing an endless conundrum of health issues. The systemic failure to address the root causes of disease is a huge part of the problem. Along with the proven benefits of a healthy diet, exercise, and stress management, we can greatly improve health outcomes by utilizing another evidence-based strategy: bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, or BHRT. 


How to Protect Against Collateral Damage

We continue to prescribe medicines that make IR, DM, CVD, and cancer worse, but we ignore the harm due to the therapeutic illusion that the benefits outweigh the risks. Yet we continue to ignore the plethora of data and studies demonstrating how to avoid these risks and protect against DM, CVD, and cancer.

By Neal Rouzier | CVD . Prevention by Disease State

PCSK-9 Inhibitors : Another Therapeutic Illusion

Recently, a new cholesterol lowering drug was approved in the U.K. The press-release heralded Inclisiran, simply another PCSK-9 inhibitor, to be a game changer as it will save thousands of lives by lowering cholesterol. No, there are no outcome studies yet, only studies that demonstrate it lowers serum cholesterol 50% more than statins alone. The authors assume and extrapolate that lowering LDL cholesterol with this drug will result in thousands of lives saved. That is termed therapeutic illusion.

By Neal Rouzier | CVD . Prevention by Disease State

CVD: Could all the Medicines that we Prescribe, Including Statins, be Increasing the Risk of Cancer?

CVD is the # 1 killer in the U.S. and worldwide. The medical literature and pharmaceutical industry has led us to believe in the cholesterol-centric model in preventing CVD. Unfortunately, utilizing cholesterol-lowering medication has only led to a 1-3% absolute risk reduction (ARR) in CVD and mortality. Not very impressive for all the money and effort put forth in lowering cholesterol with medication. And if the cholesterol-centric model for CVD was 100% correct, then why don’t we witness a more definitive reduction in CVD morbidity and mortality? Is there something else that could be at the root of this disease that we are missing?

By Neal Rouzier | CVD . Prevention by Disease State

The CVD and Cancer Insanity Cycle: What Should we do if What we are Doing Isn’t Working?

As clinicians we try to be problem solvers. It is part of our training, try to figure out what’s wrong, and then to fix it. Problem solved. However, what should we do if what we are doing isn’t working? Keep doing the same thing? What if the patient does not get better? What if the patient doesn’t feel better? What if the incidence of CVD continues to increase despite all the medications we prescribe? What if the incidence of cancer continues to increase even though cancer treatments themselves once you get cancer have improved? It is often said that insanity is doing the same experiment over and over again expecting to see and hoping to see different results.

By Neal Rouzier | Cancer . CVD . Prevention by Disease State