Online Course: Hormones and Beyond Symposium 2019


In the Psychiatric Clinics Journal article, “OBESITY: OVERVIEW OF AN EPIDEMIC”, researchers take an in-depth look at the growing obesity crisis.

“Despite growing recognition of the problem, the obesity epidemic continues in the U.S., and obesity rates are increasing around the world. The latest estimates are that approximately 34% of adults and 15–20% of children and adolescents in the U.S. are obese. Obesity affects every segment of the U.S. population. Obesity increases the risk of many chronic diseases in children and adults. Substantial public health efforts are being directed toward addressing obesity, but there is not yet clear evidence of success. Because of the complexity of obesity, it is likely to be one of the most difficult public health issues our society has faced.” (Mitchell, Catenacci, Wyatt, and Hill, 2011).

At Worldlink Medical we are an Academy of Innovative and Preventive Medicine. We are consistently looking for creative healthcare solutions that are practical, research oriented and make sense for your patients. There are lots of fad diets out there but they don’t work. Let’s understand why and explore what we as a community can do about this. You all practice in unique settings striving for out of the box solutions for every day common healthcare concerns. We have another such solution for you this year.

We are bringing in the author of The Obesity Code and The Diabetes Code, Jason Fung, MD to help crack the code on helping patients understand weight loss. Not only will we focus on the WHY with Dr. Fung’s researched-based science, but we are bringing in his Program Director, Megan Ramos to teach everyone HOW to successfully implement the program in your practice.

This just may be our best event yet and we are now pleased to bring you the recorded version.  Combine this with Neal’s hormone research focus on obesity and a host of other speakers and topics and we promise you a life changing event for you and your patients. We are planning two and half full days of cracking the code from obesity to diabetes to hormones, to genetics and exosomes to keeping you practicing safe with medical legal advice you won’t want to miss!

Join your colleagues as we take you beyond hormones to deal with some of the most important issues facing our society today.

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Upon completion of this workshop, the healthcare professional will be able to:

  1. Discuss and review hormone therapy updates based on the latest literature review. This includes:
    • Hormones and cancer
    • Inflammation, chronic disease and hormones
    • Weight-loss, recidivism and hormones
    • Benefits of testosterone for heart disease
    • Why not to fear estrogen
  2. Identify the genetic markers that places patients at high-risk for Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes
    • Provide biochemistry overview of the function of these genetic markers
    • Provide clinical tools to assist in identification, treatment and education of high-risk individuals
  3. Describe how to practice defensive medicine with advice and tips from a medical legal expert specializing in malpractice and medical board defense cases.
  4. Recognize the new modalities and mechanisms that stimulate our own cells to produce growth and healing factors that result in clinical benefit i.e. Exosomes, Stem Cells, PRP.
  5. Review and examine the roots, origins and theory surrounding the obesity epidemic.
  6. Explain how to apply techniques to engage patients in behavioral changes.
  7. Apply in your practice intermittent fasting strategies for your patients based on existing programs with known patient success.
  8. Introduce and analyze a new paradigm for insulin resistance. Knowing why the meds don’t work and learning what does work to better help patients manage and get rid of type 2 diabetes.
  9. Review the literature that supports the benefits of thyroid hormone replacement in increasing weight loss, providing CVD protection and improving symptomology.
  10. Decipher the literature that sensationalizes blood clots in the administration of testosterone replacement therapy.


Neal Rouzier, MD

Faculty Chairman